Local Service Committee Resources


Area Planning Tool draft - 2006 - Arabic.doc
Public Relations Handbook draft - 2006 - Arabic.doc
Workshop - NAWS Vision Statement - NAWS - 2006 - Arabic.pdf


Conventions, Assemblies, & Events Resources

Activies Committee Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC.doc
Activities Subcommittee Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.doc
Convention & Conference Guidelines - Pacific Cascade - 2002.doc
Convention Guidelines - Canada Atlantic RSC- 2000.pdf
Convention Guidelines - Colorado RSC- 2003.pdf
Convention Guidelines - Georgia RSC - 2004.doc
Convention Guidelines - Lonestar RSC - 2003.doc
Convention Guidelines - Northern Utah ASC - 2003.pdf
Convention Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.DOC
Convention Guidelines - Show-Me RSC - 2003.doc
Convention Guidelines - Tri-State RSC- 2001.pdf
Convention Guidelines & Policy - Florida RSC - 2003.pdf
Convention Guidelines & Policy - Florida RSC - 2007.pdf
Convention Guidleines - Northern Cal RSC - 2007.doc
Convention Handbook - Northern Cal RSC- 2007.doc
Convention Laison Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.doc
GSR Assembly - South Florida RSC - 2006.ppt
GSR Regional Assembly Orientation - Arizona RSC - 2001.pdf
GSR Regional Assembly Orientation - Colorado RSC - 2005.pdf
Regional Assembly Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.doc
Retreat Guidelines - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc

Fellowship Development - Outreach Resources

Additional Needs Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.doc
Newcomer Workshop Cards - Napa-Solano ASC - 2005.doc
Newcomer Workshop Flyer - Napa-Sonoma ASC - 2005.doc
Newcomer Workshop Format - Napa-Solano ASC - 2005.doc
Newcomer Workshop Invitation - Napa-Solano ASC - 2005.doc
Newcomer Workshop Plan - Napa-Solano ASC - 2005.doc
NewcomerWorkshop - Northern Cal RSC- 2002.pdf
Outreach Guidelines - Gtr San Jose ASC - 2003.pdf
Outreach Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.pdf

Forms, Guides, and Miscellaneous

Acronym Guide - Tri-State RSC - 2006.xls
Activities Expense Report - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
Archivist Guidelines - Florida RSC - July 2006.pdf
Area Planning Tool - Florida RSC - 2008.ppt
Ballot - Pacific Cascade RSC.doc
Checking Account Deposit Log - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
Consensus Decision-Making - Sacramento ASC - 2008.ppt
Consensus Decision-Making Cards - Sacramento ASC - 2008.pdf
Donations to NAWS Flyer - UK RSC - 2007.doc
Election Form - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
Fund Advance Request - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
Glossary of Terms - Tri-State - 2006.doc
GSR Guide to ASC - NE London ASC - 2008.doc
GSR Helpful Hints - San Jose ASC - 2005.doc
GSR Orientation - Greater Providence ASC - 2008.doc
GSR Orientation - SFV ASC - 2003.pdf
GSR Orientation Packet - Greater Providence ASC - 2008.doc
GSR Responsibilities - Fraser Valley ASC - 2007.doc
H&I Agenda Form - South Shore ASC - 2008.rtf
H&I Attendance Sheet - South Shore ASC - 2008.doc
H&I Panel Leader Orientation - South Shore ASC - 2008.doc
Inventory - Sho-Me RSC - 2005.doc
Inventory Form - Stonewall Group - 2003.pdf
Inventory Form - ASC - 1996.doc
Inventory Form - Group - 2002.pdf
Inventory Form - Group.pdf
Leadership Training - Northern Cal RSC - 2008.pptx
Metro SC Guidelines - Kansas ASC - 2005.doc
Metro Service AdHoc Report - Kansas ASC - 2005.doc
Motion Form - Pacific Cascade RSC.doc
Motion Form - Tri-State RSC - 2006.xls
Payment Voucher - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
Questionnaire for Trusted Servants - BCRSC - 2006.pdf
RCM Orientation - New England RSC - 2008.doc
RCM Orientation - Northern Cal RSC - 2008.ppt
RCM Orientation Packet - New England RSC - 2008.doc
Report Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.doc
Rules of Order - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.doc
Sample Budget - 2008.xls
Secretary Orientation Brochure - ContraCosta ASC - 2001.pdf
Self Support Flyer - UK RSC - 2007.doc
Service Brochure - SW Missouri ASC - 2006.doc
Service Informatoin Leaflet - UK Region - 2008.pdf
Service Resume - Pacific Cascade RSC.doc
Service Resume Form - Northern Cal RSC - 2007.pdf
Service Structure - NEZF - 2005.ppt
Subcommittee Expense Report - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
Travel Expense Report - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
Young Peoples NA Meeting Start-up Resource - 2008.doc
Youth Committee Mission Statement - Northern Cal RSC - 2006.pdf
Youth Committee Start-Up Packet.pdf

Group, Area, & Regional Guidelines

ASC Bylaws - Greater Smokey Mountians ASC - 2002.doc
ASC Bylaws - WyoBraska ASC - 2003.doc
ASC Guide - Seattle ASC - 2005.pdf
ASC Guidelines - Chain O' LAkes ASC - 2007.doc
ASC Guidelines - Denver ASC-2000.pdf
ASC Guidelines - Grays Harbor ASC- 2004.doc
ASC Guidelines - Greater Hollywood ASC - 2008.pdf
ASC Guidelines - Kathmandu ASC - 2006.doc
ASC Guidelines - Marin County ASC - 2006.doc
ASC Guidelines - Mid-Missouri ASC - 2006.doc
ASC Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.doc
ASC Guidelines - NW Washington ASC - 2004.doc
ASC Guidelines - Orange County ASC - 2003.doc
ASC Guidelines - Orlando ASC - 2004-11.pdf
ASC Guidelines - San Fernando Valley ASC - 2003.pdf
ASC Guidelines - South Atlantic ASC - 2003.doc
ASC Guidelines - Vancouver ASC - 2003.doc
ASC Guidelines - Vancouver ASC Attachment - 2003.doc
ASC Guidelines - Wichita Metro ASC - 2005.doc
ASC Policy - Central Texas ASC - 2003.rtf
ASC Policy & Procedures - NE London ASC - 2008.doc
ASC Policy & Procedures - Small Miracle ASC - 2004.doc
Fellowship Service Center Guidelines - ContraCosta ASC - 2000.pdf
GSRs Guidelines - Aotearoa - 2004.pdf
Guidelines for Inappropriate Behavior - United Kingdom RSC - 2005.doc
H&I Guidelines - South Shore ASC - 2008.doc
H&I Guidelines - Umpqua Valley ASC - 2007.doc
Home Group Policy Guidelines - Richmond ASC - 2004.pdf
Literature Committee Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.DOC
Literature Subcommittee Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.pdf
Policies & Procedures Handbook- South Central ASC - 2006.pdf
Policy Committee Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.doc
RSC & Subcommittee Guidelines - Florida RSC - 2007.pdf
RSC Bylaws - Carolina RSC - 1994.pdf
RSC Bylaws - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.doc
RSC Bylaws - Western NY RSC - 1999.pdf
RSC Guidelines - Arkansas RSC - 2008.pdf
RSC Guidelines - Florida RSC - 2003.pdf
RSC Guidelines - Florida RSC - 2007.pdf
RSC Guidelines - Mid America RSC - 2004.pdf
RSC Guidelines - Minnesota RSC - 1998.DOC
RSC Guidelines - Northern Cal RSC - 2003.doc
RSC Guidelines - Sierra Sage RSC - 2002.pdf
RSC Guidelines - Sierra Sage RSC.doc
RSC Guidelines - So Cal RSC - 2002.htm
RSC Guidelines - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
RSC Guidelines - Washington Northern Idaho RSC - 2005.pdf
RSC Guidelines - Wisconsin RSC - 2003.doc
RSC Guidelines (Project-based) - Florida RSC - 2008.pdf
RSC Policy - Chicagoland RSC - 2005.pdf
Taping Committee Guidelines - Tri-State RSC - 2004.doc
Training Subcommittee Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.doc
Website Guidelines - Marin County ASC - 2006.pdf
Website Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.doc
Website Guidelines - Seattle ASC.doc
Website Guidelines - Seattle ASC.rtf
Website Policy - Greater New Your RSC.pdf
Website Policy - Hawaii RSC - 2002.pdf
Youth Committee Guidelines - Northern Cal RSC - 2006.pdf

H&I Resources

H&I Behavior Suggested Guidelines - Northern Cal RSC - 2004.pdf
H&I Guidelines - Baja California Area - 2008.doc
H&I Guidelines - Barcelona ASC - 1992.pdf
H&I Guidelines - Lane County ASC - 2008.doc
H&I Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.doc
H&I Guidelines - Northern Utah ASC - 2003.pdf
H&I Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC- 1998.doc
H&I Guidelines - Rivercoast ASC - 2008.pdf
H&I Guidelines - Seattle ASC - 2001.doc
H&I Guidelines - Seattle ASC - 2001.pdf
H&I Guidelines - Southern Cal RSC - 2005.pdf
H&I Guidelines - Southern Cal RSC - 2005.doc
H&I Guidelines - Washington-N Idaho RSC - 2004.doc
H&I Guidelines - West Valley ASC - 2005.pdf
H&I Guidelines - Western Montana ASC - 2005.pdf
H&I Orientation Guidelines - Umpqua Valley ASC - 2008.doc
H&I Orientation Pamphlet- Recovery Coast ASC - 2007.doc
Inmate Bridge Program Guidelines - Snake River Valley ASC - 2008.doc
Volunteer Application, County Jail - Mid-America RSC - 2006.pdf
Volunteer Orientation, San Quention - Northern Cal RSC - 2004.doc

Human Resource Panel


Inmate Step Writing Resources

Behind the Walls Sponsorship Guidelines - Central Cal RSC - 2006.pdf
Writing Steps for Recovery Behind the Walls Workshop - Connecticut RSC - 2008.WMA
Writing Steps for Recovery Flyer - Show-Me RSC - 2008.doc
Writing Steps for Recovery Policy & Orientation - Connecticut RSC - 2008.pdf
Writing Steps for Recovery Subcommittee Guidelines - Show-Me RSC - 2008.doc

Issue Discussion Topics

Building Communications



Leadership session one worksheets final.pdf
Leadership session two worksheets final.pdf
Our Symbol.pdf
RD Facilitation Guide.pdf
Your Role as a Leader Session One 080710.pdf
Your Role as a Leader Session Two 080710.pdf

Our Freedom, Our Responsibility

IDT_Freedom & Resp.pdf

Legal & RSO Resources

BOD Bylaws - Tri-State RSO - 2005.doc
BOD Guidelines - Tri-State RSO - 2006.doc
BOD Info Pamphlet - Granite State ASC - 2004.pdf
BOD Yearly Timeline - Tri-State RSO - 2006.doc
Employee Handbook - LoneStar RSO - 2003.pdf
Financial Guidelines - MNRSC - 1998.DOC
Financial Guidelines - Sample.DOC
Financial Guidelines - SDICRNA - 2001.doc
Financial Policy - Upper Midwest RSC.doc
Insurance Packet - Northern Cal RSO - 2007.pdf
Insurance Policy Guidelines - Cal MidState RSC - 2002.pdf
RSO Annual Report - Upper Mid-West RSO - 2003.pdf
RSO Board Of Director Duties - Northern Cal RSO - 2003.pdf
RSO Bylaws - Northern Cal RSO - 2000.pdf
RSO Bylaws - San Diego Inperial RSO - 2005.doc
RSO Guidelines - Florida RSO - 2001.doc
RSO Guidelines, Policies, and By-Laws - Florida RSO - July 2007.pdf
Theft Inquiry Letter - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2001.doc
Theft Letter #1 - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2001.doc
Theft Letter #2 - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2001.doc
Theft Letter #3 - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2001.doc
Theft Policy - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2001.doc
Theft Policy - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2001.pdf
Theft Restitution Agreement - Vancouver ASC - 2005.doc
Theft Restitution Letter - Vancouver ASC - 2005.doc
Travel Request Form - Pacific Cascade RSC.doc
Treasury Best Practices - Northern Cal RSO - 2007.pdf

Newsletters - Local Publications

GSR Workshop Newsletter - Hawaii RSC - 2005.pub

PR-PI Resources

FAQ for Criminal Justice Professionals (from PR??ndbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
FAQ for General Public (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
FAQ for Media (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
FAQ for Phoneline Volunteers (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
FAQ for Treatment Professionals (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
Letter-Writing Suggestions (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
PhoneLine Guidelines - Greater Phily RSC - 2006.doc
PhoneLine Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.doc
Phoneline Training Session (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
Public Info & Phoneline guidelines - Mid-Missouri ASC.pdf
Public Info & Phoneline Guidelines - Mid-Missouri ASC.rtf
Public Information Guidelines - Katmandu ASC - 2008.doc
Public Information Guidelines - Mile High ASC - 2005.doc
Public Information Guidelines - Oahu ASC - 2002.doc
Public Information Guidelines - Pacific Cascade RSC - 2002.doc
Public Information Guidelines - Suffolk ASC - 2002.pdf
Public Information Guidelines - Suffolk ASC - 2002.rtf
Public Information Guidelines - Tri-State RSC - 2006.doc
Public Relations Committee Guidelines - Contra Costa ASC - 2006.doc
Public Relations Committee Guidelines - NW Washington ASC- 2006.doc
Sample Form Letter (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
Sample Posters and Tips (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
Sample PowerPoint Presentation - NAWS - 2008.ppt
Sample Webpage (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf
Website Creation Tips (from PR Handbook) - NAWS - 2007.pdf

Workshop Resources

12 Traditions & 12 Concepts Sheet- NAWS - 2006.pdf
Area Planning Tool Slide Show - 2007.ppt
Brainstorming Guidelines & Suggested Groundrules - NAWS - 2006.pdf
CAR Assembly Slide Show - Northern Cal RSC - 2008.ppt
CAR Workshops - Florida RSC - 2008.zip
CAR Workshops Slide Show- Florida RSC - 2008.ppt
Meeting Notes Sheets - NAWS - 2006.pdf
NA Spks 65 Languages Poster - NAWS - 2006.pdf
NAWS Vision Statement - NAWS - 2006.pdf
Service Mentorship Workshop Booklet- Santa Clarita ASC.doc






Workshop - 12 Concepts - NAWS - 2006 - Hebrew.pdf
Workshop - Brainstorming Guidelines & Suggested Groundrules - NAWS - 2006 - Hebrew.pdf
Workshop - Carry the Message Poster - NAWS - 2006 - Hebrew.pdf
Workshop - NA Spks 65 Languages - NAWS - 2006 - Hebrew.pdf
Workshop - NAWS Vision Statement - NAWS - 2006 - Hebrew.pdf


NA group logo - NAWS - 2008.jpg
NA group logo - NAWS - 2008.png
NA group logo - NAWS - 2008.psd
NA group logo_illustrator-10 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA group logo_illustrator-8 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA group logo_illustrator-CS - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA group logo_illustrator-CS2 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA Logo Stylized 1 - No Central Indiana Area - 2008.jpg
NA Logo Stylized 2 - No Central Indiana Area - 2008.jpg
NA Logo Stylized 3 - No Central Indiana Area - 2008.jpg
NA Logo Stylized 4 - No Central Indiana Area - 2008.jpg
NA logo_illustrator-10 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA logo_illustrator-8 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA logo_illustrator-CS - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA logo_illustrator-CS2 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA logo_msthd - NAWS - 2008.jpg
NA logo_msthd - NAWS - 2008.png
NA logo_msthd - NAWS - 2008.psd
NA logo_msthd_illustrator-10 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA logo_msthd_illustrator-8 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA logo_msthd_illustrator-CS - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA logo_msthd_illustrator-CS2 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA Svc-sym logo - NAWS - 2008.jpg
NA Svc-sym logo - NAWS - 2008.png
NA Svc-sym logo - NAWS - 2008.psd
NA Svc-sym logo_illustrator-10 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA Svc-sym logo_illustrator-8 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA Svc-sym logo_illustrator-CS - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA Svc-sym logo_illustrator-CS2 - NAWS - 2008.eps
NA_logo - NAWS - 2008.jpg
NA_logo - NAWS - 2008.psd
NA_logo_illustrator-8 - NAWS - 2008.png


Workshop - 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts - NAWS - 2005 - Portuguese.pdf
Workshop - Brainstorming Guidelines & Suggested Groundrules - NAWS - 2005 - Portuguese.pdf
Workshop - Facilitator Instructions - NAWS - 2005 - Portuguese .pdf


ASC Guidelines - Habla Hispana - 2003 - Spanish.doc
H&I Guidelines - Area Baja California - 2008 - Spanish.doc
Workshop - 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts - NAWS - 2006 - Spanish.pdf
Workshop - Brainstorming Guidelines & Suggested Groundrules - NAWS - 2006 - Spanish.pdf
Workshop - Meeting Notes Sheets - NAWS - 2006 - Spanish.pdf
Workshop - NAWS Vision Statement - NAWS - 2006 - Spanish.pdf